Since Rimowa became a luxury suitcase brand, replicas have flooded the market. A few years back, you could easily distinguish a real from a fake one. Nowadays, it’s not that easy anymore. The pictures on the left are pictures from an authentic Rimowa. The pictures on the right are from an excellent replica. The replica is almost a one-on-one reproduction. So the differences we are looking for are subtle ones. Let’s find them on this fake Rimowa Original Cabin

Since these replicas are being sold on several online marketplaces, many people have asked whether these are real. And how you can check if they are the real deal. You must be careful if you don’t buy them from a Rimowa store.

Telescope handle

We zoom in on the telescoping handle. From a distance, you would think they are identical, but if you look closely, you can see that the quality of the plastic used on the original Rimowa is different and looks more robust. Next to that gaps, the assembled objects are more consistent on cleaner than the replica. So even though they look identical from a distance, the quality and detail set them apart.

real rimowa backside
Real Authentic Rimowa Original Cabin
Fake Rimowa Original Cabin
Fake Replica Rimowa Original Cabin
Real Authentic Rimowa Original Cabin
Real Authentic Rimowa Original Cabin
Fake Rimowa Original Cabin
Fake Replica Rimowa Original Cabin

Logo, handle and grooves

Also really hard to tell apart, but actual Rimowa suitcases don’t come with plastic over the handle. Aside from that, the only thing I notice is that the grooves on the fake ones are less visible than on the real ones. The indent on the real one look more solid then on the fake one.

Real Authentic Rimowa Original Cabin
Real Authentic Rimowa Original Cabin
Fake Replica Rimowa Original Cabin
Fake Replica Rimowa Original Cabin


This is a good example of the lack of quality. The measurements are identical the looks are identical but the details and quality are missing. On the fake one you can see the plastic shavings and you can see that the quality of the plastic is really bad.

Real Authentic Rimowa Original Cabin
Real Authentic Rimowa Original Cabin
Fake Replica Rimowa Original Cabin
Fake Replica Rimowa Original Cabin


For some reason, the one thing that producers of Rimowa replicas never could get right is the TSA-lock. Even in this case which is almost a one-on-one production, the TSA-lock look nothing like the original.

real rimowa tsa lock
Real Authentic Rimowa Original Cabin
fake rimowa tsa lock
Real Authentic Rimowa Original Cabin